MakerBot Operation

Steps to operate MakerBot Cupcake CNC


This is a work in progress and needs have more details filled in.




The MakerBot is connected to a computer using a USB cable.  Currently, this is the Dell Dimension 3100 located beneath the bench with the MakerBots.


The computer requires the following:



Preflight Check


Before getting started, take a look at the MakerBot and make sure everything looks okay.  Check the tension on the Z stage belt.


In particular, make sure that the Z rod bearings are all in place at the top of the bot.  Sometimes, the support nuts slip, and the bearing fall out of their cutouts.  When they fall out, they look like this:

This needs to be fixed before proceeding, as it will prevent the Z axis from moving properly.  Write-up on how to fix this issue coming soon.


Also, make sure the Z-axis platform is sitting on the four Z-axis rod guide nuts.




The power switch is on the PC power supply located at the rear of the MakerBot:


Power Supply


Pre-Print Procedure



Basic Print Procedure



When Things Go Wrong


Lots of things can go wrong during a print.  You need to supervise the print in case something really bad happens.



If things go bad in a minor way, you can click on the "Stop" button in ReplicatorG.


If things go bad in a major way, you need to switch off the power switch on the MakerBot motherboard.


In either case, you need to re-open the Control Panel and reset the extruder motor speed, target temperature, and zero point.




When the MakerBot stops extruding during a print, chances are the filament has become stripped.  You will need to reverse the filament out of the Plastruder, clip it to a clean end, raise the temperature a bit, and the re-feed it into the Plastruder.  Be careful about raising the temperature of the heater.  If it gets too hot, the PTFE thermal barrier can fail, which requires rebuilding the Plasturder.  PTFE fails at about 240 C, which is not much higher than the optimal extrusion temperature.  The thermistor on the New Blankets Plastruder is not calibrated very well, and reads about 20 C hotter than it is.


If the nozzle drags into the print, check the level of the build platform and Z platform.  If they are not parallel, the nozzle can catch the build platform or object.  Spurious globs in the object can cause similar problems.



Questions, Answers(?), and Notes