

Page history last edited by Justin Corwin 13 years, 5 months ago

Every Monday at 8pm


Free for members, $10 Suggested Donation for non-members. Some classes have parts costs, if you need them provided.




the Morse App










Mission Statement:


I'm grabbing Mondays at 8pm to run a series of classes/events exploring my favorite electrical subject: wireless phenomena of all shapes and sizes.


The first one, on the 28th, will be somewhat informal, and free to all guests, since membership is a bit fluid atm. I'm going to be presenting some resources for people to investigate on their own, and discussing some of the projects and classes I intend to run in detail. I'll also be taking suggestions for projects and classes people would particularly like to see.


It will always be free for members to attend RadioMondays, with a dynamic fee for outside students depending on the kind of event it will be. For the projects, the fee will cover parts and tools, so if you're a member and want me to get you the materials for the class, you can just pay the fee and I'll cover all that. Some classes will require pre-registration if you want parts, because some of the bits could get pricy.


I will do my level best to keep the calendar and this page updated with schedules, fees, and the like. If we get into multi-week courses we may split off into independent pages and even websites.


I'm also looking for guest lecturers. I know we have a lot of talented engineers and theorists within the membership, and if you'd be willing to speak a bit, or do a whole class on a wireless subject, please let me know. I'll take care of all the fiddly bits and fees and so on.


I currently have plans for an electrical laws and safety course(essential for working with radios) , a study course for 'ham' amateur radio operator licenses(essential for working with even cooler radios) , and a kit radio class of some kind, to start with.


Subjects of future classes (by me or guest lecturers) will be cellular phone secrets, wifi and wimax stuff, microwaves and their delights, shortwave radio, satellite comm, using the pager network, GPS localization, pirate radio stations, the radio scanning lifestyle, digital trunking, HERF weapons and other fantasies, mesh networking, bluetooth/xbee/nordic fun, software radios, and as many project classes as I can afford to test-assemble.


Anybody who wants to help is more than welcome to get in touch with me. If I ever have too many classes going for RadioMondays to fit you in, you can always start another Event! I'm just going to focus on having something good on wireless subjects every Monday at 8pm. For days when I'm not there, I'll do my level best to have a guest lecturer already set up.

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